Who we are

We’re DB Digital, a digital products company, focused exclusively on building the best content products for India. More than 500 million Indians will be online on their mobile devices by 2022, hungry for more - more news, more information, more knowledge, and we want to be their trusted, go-to source for high quality content delivered to them daily in the most easy to consume way, personalized for their specific needs.

We’re backed by India’s biggest newspaper group (The Dainik Bhaskar Group) which reaches tens of millions of consumers across India on a daily basis, in multiple languages including Hindi, Gujarati and Marathi.

Dainik Bhaskar
Group is
India’s #1
Newspaper Group

  • Dainik Bhaskar Group 1.31 Cr Readers
  • The Times of India Group 1.26 Cr Readers
  • Dainik Jagran Group 1.08 Cr Readers
Source: IRS '19, Q2 | AIR-Urban,
Main + Variant, Excluding financial dailies

What we are building

Our Products

Coming soon!

Beyond our core products, we're exploring a lot of interesting ideas which solve for this broad mission. We'll be sharing more details on these experimental projects soon.

With digital content online going through a massive revolution - while new content categories, types, formats and experiences are emerging every so often, the quality of content and the ways to discover content relevant to you have deteriorated on average.

The irony is - what’s real, truly enriching, valuable and trustworthy is often really hard to find and boring to consume, and what’s cheap, spammy and fake content finds its way to you and tends to be extremely viral and addictive.

Our goal is to solve that, by bringing high quality, trusted content to our users in a way that’s informative, insightful as well as engaging. We want to help you and millions of other Indians grow by improving their understanding and knowledge of the world in the easiest, fastest way possible - by telling you what’s happening and helping you analyze what it means for you.

We’re trying to do so by creating a high quality, engaging, local, vernacular India-first news product for more than 500 million Indians by focusing on these 3 pillars:

In addition to that, we also aim to extend our leadership further by building and betting on digital products focused on innovations in media & content, catered especially for the mobile first audience.


Digipub Awards 2019
  • News App of the Year
  • Best Audience Engagement
DIGIXX Awards 2018
  • Digital Marketing Excellence in Technology
  • Mobile and App Marketing
International Biggies Global Awards 2018/2017
  • Excellence in Natural Language Processing
  • Excellence in Artifical Intelligence
IAMAI Digital Awards 2018
  • Most Digitally Enabled Organization

Life at DB

Work. Try. Fail. Learn. Win. Chill. Repeat.

Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life

Come work with us. We’re trying to solve a very interesting problem for a huge market with the potential to have a massive positive impact on the life of every Indian if we get it right.

The market we’re in deserves and desperately needs completely fresh thinking from the grounds up to find things that work for India, not just cloning things and copying trends that work in the US and China. This space hasn’t seen any major innovation for years now, it’s about time now.

Working at DB Digital will expose you to all the inner workings of a startup - and give you broad experience across all functions. Your personal and professional growth will be supercharged, learning and level of ownership will be limited only by how much you can handle, and not by your college degree or experience. It could be the best launchpad for you if you intend to ever start up something of your own at some point in your life.

The way we’re defining the culture at DB Digital - working here will mean living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.

Will You Fit In?

This is our code, or the set of values we operate by. It’s extremely demanding. But it’s what will make us win.

Have a Founder Mentality

Act as if you are the founder. Treat this like your own baby. Optimize for the long term. No shortcuts. No hacks. Show extreme ownership in everything you do. No excuses. No blame games. Just deliver with clear results.

Obsess over the Customer

Do the right thing for the customer, always, in the simplest way possible. Have an extremely high standard in what we build and ship to our users. Aim to delight them, not just give them exactly what they ask for. Innovate on their behalf by understanding their problems, needs and aspirations deeply.

Always be Hustling

Hustle like your life depends on it. Be relentlessly resourceful. Play with the cards you've been dealt (even if shitty), and still win. Have a bias for action. Keep moving. Do not get blocked. Do not wait for perfection. Be in permanent beta, always improving.

Be Curious & Open Minded

Have intellectual humility. Do not be a know it all. Always be learning new things. Curiosity is your biggest advantage. Be extremely open minded. Knowledge can come from anywhere. Listen to understand, not to reply.

Value Data over Egos & Opinions

Use all available data and insights for any decisions you make. Data trumps anyone’s individual opinion.

In the absence of data, make educated guesses. No analysis paralysis. Build hypotheses, run experiments, iterate. Repeat.

Be an Awesome Team Player

Do not optimize for yourself, optimize for what will make the team faster, better and smarter. Do not let your ego come in the way of what's right for us.

Disagree openly, be transparent, but fully commit and execute on whatever the team decides. Know when to lead and when to follow. Have your leader’s and team’s back. Always.

Be Bold. Have Courage.

Be ambitious. Have courage. Make bold bets. Do not stick to the status quo. Try new things. It’s okay to fail. Question everything. Reason from first principles. Seek the truth. Life is short. Make a dent in the world.

Our HQ

It isn’t as cool as the Avengers Tower or the Justice League Watchtower, but comes a close second.


We’re actively hiring smart, ambitious, entrepreneurial talent across Product, Design, Technology & other functions at DB Digital. Life is short, and we’re moving really fast to make our vision a reality.

If you feel you’d be a good fit and the problems we’re solving for millions of Indians excite you, email us now. We are waiting.

Email Us

A detailed list of open roles will be added here soon, but don’t wait for that. Always be hustling. :)


We will be blogging more soon about our journey to achieve our mission to build a better India in our own way, with all our wins and failures documented in detail for everyone to learn from.